Podcast Release Date: 11/28/22
Podcast duration:45:26
A summary by Brandon Johnson DC
5 Key Takeaways
Eating a healthy diet is the most effective way to help our body process environmental toxins
Eating or supplementing with antioxidants can support our immune system and decrease toxic load
Obesity decreases the ability of the body to process toxins
Traditional medicine does not address chronic toxin exposure
The FDA (food and drug administration) often approves chemical use on humans before long term testing can be completed
Dr. Hyman begins this episode with a discussion about toxins and how prevalent they are in American society. These toxins range from pesticides on our produce to mold in our closet. According to Hyman and his colleagues, toxins are also found in most of the processed foods on grocery store shelves.
Ways Reduce Toxin Exposure
Nutrition looks to be the best way to help process environmental toxins
Eat clean, sustainable grown food
Food that has not been altered from its original state
Whole foods contain more micronutrients
Cruciferous vegetables
Have sulforaphane that activates anti oxidant defense systems (immunity)
Help change gene expression that reduce obesogenic chemicals (chemicals that make you fat)
Do not store food in plastic
Not just BPA (most common toxin found in plastic)
Many plastics contain as many as 15 endocrine disrupting chemicals
Cosmetic products
Look for brands with fewest ingredients
Approved by environmental offices
High quality air filter
Sana great for detox
Helps the body expel chemicals through pores
Eat fiber dense foods
Insoluble fiber helps push chemicals through the gut
Supplements that Help the Body Process Toxins
Vitamin c
Increases immune function
Powerful antioxidant
Helps maintain healthy gut microbes to reduce toxic gene expression
Vitamin E
Reduces free radical production (disease causing agents)
Most effective antioxidant compound
After discussing ways to help reduce toxin exposure, the specialists begin to dwell on chemicals found in society and how they might negatively affect well being. They sate that we have a "shoot first ask questions later" mentality in regards to chemical use. The FDA often approves substances before long term testing is completed.
Society and Toxic Load
11 million people die per year from eating bad food
9 million people die from toxin exposure
Traditional medicine does not address chronic toxin exposure
Doctors are taught minimal in regards to managing toxic load
Study looked at the blood in 10 new born umbilical cords
Blood contained 287 known toxins before they took their first breath
Contained 211 neurotoxins
USA does not have the same testing of chemical use as the European Union
Some commonly used chemicals in the USA are illegal in Europe
Industries are incentives to mitigate and downplay negative side effects of their chemicals
Industries argue for personal responsibility to toxin exposure
Difficult to do that when chemicals are in water and everyday products
FDA released a statement saying that some demographics should not get mercury fillings at the dentist:
Neurological issues
Kidney issues
Silver fillings are more than 50% mercury
Increase inorganic mercury levels
Fillings can off-gas mercury for more than 40 years
Farmers seem to have the highest toxic load in society
Study revealed that pesticide use has led to 41 million IQ points lost in farm workers
Highest rates of dementia and Parkinsons by occupation
Factors that Surround Toxic Load
Timing of exposure can alter symptoms
Young children and embryos are more vulnerable to toxins
Lead causes brain damage prenatally
Often takes 10 years or more to prevent symptoms
May be linked to behavior problems
The dose makes the poison
Even water can kill you if too much is consumed
Obesity reduces the ability of the body to process toxins
Genetics are linked to detox
Some people can eliminate toxins more effectively than others
Toxins are often stored in organs and fat tissue
Categories of Toxins
Chemicals that cause weight gain and slow metabolism
Contribute to diabetes
Worsen autoimmune diseases
Linked to issues with hormones, fertility and cancer
How to Detox?
Identify the toxins in labs ( blood, urine, hair ect)
Identify where the toxins are in your environment
Remove the toxins
Increase your bodies ability to process toxins