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Andrew Huberman: Optimizing Hormones in Males

Updated: Jan 17, 2023

Podcast Duration: 2:24:17

Podcast Release Date:10/12/22

A summary by Brandon Johnson, DC

5 Key Takeaways

  1. Healthy eating during puberty has the best results for body composition (fat to muscle ratio) in adulthood

  2. To promote healthy hormones, first change habits/behaviors, then add supplements, then take prescriptions if necessary

  3. A healthy gut microbiome is necessary for optimal hormone levels

  4. Excessive porn and masturbation can lead to poor hormone production in the body and brain

  5. Maslow's hierarchy of needs must be met to maintain healthy hormone panel

    • Physical needs

    • Mental needs

    • Purpose in life

Andrew Huberman begins this episode by introducing Dr. Kyle Gillett. He is an expert in obesity medicine and hormone optimization. They begin their conversation by discussing the maturation of hormones throughout the male lifespan.

The Puberty Process

  1. What is the first puberty?

    1. Occurs in the first 3 months of life

    2. DHEA is released that changes babies to children

  2. What is the second puberty?

    1. Occurs during adrenarche (The awakening of the adrenal gland)

      1. Sex hormones are released

      2. The change from child to adult

  3. Puberty-in males

    1. Easiest time for males to change body composition

  4. Children who enter puberty early can have reduced height and stature

    1. Growth plates close prematurely

    2. Hormones and toxins in food can create an early onset of puberty

    3. Identical twins

      1. The one that begins puberty first is usually shorter

  5. Lifting heavy weights at a young age does not stunt growth

  6. "Dirty bulking" at a young age can stunt growth

    1. Eating excess calories to put on mass

    2. Too much caloric intake (over eating) releases Leptin hormone

      1. Causes fat gain

        1. Fat children tend to start puberty earlier

After discussing puberty, the conversation pivots towards promoting healthy hormone levels. The information given was specifically for male hormone optimization.

What Should Males do Daily to Optimize Hormone Levels?

  1. First Change unhealthy behaviors

    1. Nutrition, exercise, mental health

  2. Then add supplementation

  3. Then add prescription drugs if necessary

  4. Recommended to start by getting blood work

    1. Labs should be taken when secondary sex characteristics begin

    2. Secondary sex changes include:

      1. Hair growth

      2. Genitalia change

      3. Before the age of 18

  5. Recommend blood work every 6 months after 18

  6. Important lifestyle changes

    1. Diet and exercise

      1. Dairy can help IGF-1 (helps growth) during puberty

      2. Dairy can help with bone growth/ density

    2. Sleep

      1. Especially in puberty

    3. Adequate vitamin D

      1. Helps with:

        1. Bone growth/density

        2. Testosterone production

        3. Most important before age 25

  7. Horrible to be vegan in teens and early 20's

    1. Will decrease free androgens

      1. Results in less testosterone acting on receptors in the body

  8. Prebiotic Fiber is paramount for setting gut microbiome for healthy life

    1. Very important at a young age because it can help with brain development

  9. Multivitamins are not helpful when eating a clean diet

    1. Often results in too many vitamins

    2. Might be helpful to increase fertility

  10. Intense fasting (caloric deficit) can lower testosterone if you don't have enough body fat

    1. Deficits cause

      1. Less building blocks for hormones

      2. Puts you in a catabolic state (when the body is breaking down tissue stores for energy)

      3. Less IGF-1 release during sleep

      4. Free androgens and estrogens will decrease

  11. Intermittent fasting

    1. Potently increases growth hormone

    2. Do not eat two hours before bed (especially carbs)

Emotional State and Hormones

  1. Stress can disrupt all pillars of health

    1. Releases too much cortisol (causes reduced metabolic health)

  2. How do we cope with stress?

    1. Prioritize spending time outside

      1. Exposure to sunlight, cold and heat

    2. Indoor light and air can have negative impacts on health

    3. Exercise

    4. Prayer or meditation

    5. Counseling/ therapy

    6. Social connections are important to support mental health

  3. Maslow's hierarchy of needs must be met to maintain healthy hormone panel

    1. Physical needs

    2. Mental needs

    3. Purpose in life

How do Males know if their Hormones are Healthy?

  1. Get regular blood labs

  2. Adam questionnaire (asks questions about energy, libido and motivation)

    1. Not clinically valid

  3. Athletic performance

    1. Are you able to train and recover with the same frequency?

  4. Motivation levels

    1. Do you have consistent drive and energy?

  5. Libido

    1. Maintaining erection and ability to ejaculate

The Effect of Porn and Masturbation on Hormones and Mental Health

  1. Can rewire brain to be aroused by images of sex rather than real sex

  2. Frequent masturbation increases prolactin release

    1. Several times per day can be detrimental for testosterone levels

  3. Porn creates dopamine release (happy/pleasure hormone in the brain)

    1. Dopamine wave pool

      1. Describes natural ups and downs of happy/pleasure hormone

      2. The higher peaks create a "larger trough" extreme lows

        1. Cocaine and amphetamines cause large spikes of dopamine leaving levels much lower after

        2. Porn mimics a similar response in the brain

Healthy and Sustainable Exercise Regiment for Hormones

  1. Vigorous exercise 3-4 times per week coupled with 3-4 low to moderate intensity

    1. Allows for proper recovery time

    2. This amount of exercise requires proper nutrition and hydration

  2. Vigorous exercise more than 1 hour can negatively impact healthy hormones

  3. Balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic

    1. Best to be high-strung during exercise and calm and lazy throughout the rest of the day

      1. This allows for maximum rebuilding of tissues

What supplements Help with Male Hormones?

  1. Creatine

    1. Helps with amino acids synthesis (building muscle)

      1. Slightly increases testosterone and DHT

      2. Will not speed up hair loss (genetic components)

        1. Correlation with hair loss is genetically given from maternal side

    2. 5 grams daily

  2. Betaine anhydrous

    1. Helps amino acid synthesis

    2. Best to take if non responsive to creatine

      1. 1-3 grams daily

  3. L carnitine

    1. A peptide amino acid (low bioavailibilty if ingested)

    2. Helps shuttle fatty acids to mitochondria (helps make energy)

    3. Taking garlic (allicin) can help support healthy gut biome when taking L carnitine

    4. 1-5 grams daily

  4. Vitamin D3

    1. A sterol hormone that helps absorb calcium and phosphorus

    2. 600 IU dosage daily

  5. Boron

    1. Can decrease SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin)

      1. High shbg can drastically reduce free testosterone levels

      2. Free testosterone should be 1-2% of total T

    2. 5-12mg per day

  6. Tongkat ali (long jack)

    1. Helps with conversion in testosterone synthesis

      1. Increases total and free T

    2. Great supplement for people who eat low carb diets

      1. Insulin and IGF-1 is lower in caloric restriction

    3. Increases DHEA (steroid hormone)

      1. 300-1200mg per day

  7. Fadogia Agrestis

    1. Increases LH (luteinizing hormone) from pituitary gland

    2. Increases testosterone levels

    3. 300mg daily

How to Create Healthy Thyroid Levels

  1. Maintaining a balance of iodine

  2. Goitrogens

    1. Cruciferous vegetable -broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage

      1. If you eat more of these you need more iodine

  3. Boron

    1. Helps support thyroid hormone release

Peptides and Hormones

  1. Peptides are chains of amino acids between 2 and a couple hundred in length

    1. Most common types

      1. Ghrelin agonist

        1. Hunger hormone which stimulates release of others

    2. GH/RH receptor agonist

      1. Increase growth hormone

      2. Can help promote hormone release

      3. Can improve muscular repair

      4. Need more research

  2. Safety and utility of peptides

    1. Many people take them at levels that are too high

    2. Some contain chemicals

      1. Non pharmacy's use LPS which can create inflammation

Hormone Replacement Therapy

  1. Testosterone

    1. Exogenous hormones

      1. Synthetic testosterone

    2. Low dose more frequently is better

    3. Every other day or 2-3x per week

      1. 100-120mg

    4. Cypionate and enanthate most commonly used

    5. Normal testosterone is high in morning and low in evening

    6. TRT keeps levels constant throughout the day

  2. HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin)

    1. Made during first trimester of pregnancy

    2. Can be taken to maintain sperm production while taking testosterone

      1. High heat, hot tub and sauna kills sperm

      2. Use ice pack on testes in sauna if trying to conceive

    3. Stimulates thyroid

  3. Clomiphene

    1. Will increase testosterone

    2. Creates negative feedback on hypothalamus

    3. Crowds out estrogen on the pituitary gland

Do’s and Don'ts for Hormone Health

  1. Smoking cannabis can decrease testosterone

    1. Increases a hormone called prolactin (can cause infertility and low libido in men)

    2. Smoked THC can also cause gynecomastia (male breast development)

  2. Edible THC does not decrease testosterone

  3. Nicotine especially from tobacco can decrease blood flow and impact hormone production

  4. Alcohol significantly increases aromitization of testosterone to estrogen

    1. Recommends a maximum of 2 drinks per week

    2. Reduces LH and FSH causing decrease in testosterone

  5. Saturated fats can increase testosterone

  6. Low dose Cialis

    1. Prescribed off label in low doses to increase blood flow to the prostate and reduce cancer risk

    2. Recommended 2-5 milligrams per day for this effect


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