Episode Duration: 01:12:27
Release Date: 12/22/2022
3 Key Takeaways
Quinton salt water might be useful in treating pain syndromes
Soaking in water that is hydrogen enriched may accelerate healing
The healthiest drinking water is distilled with added activated carbon
Ben Greenfield begins this episode by introducing his guest Robert Slovak. Robert is an expert on water. He had a life-threatening illness and attributes his healing to the consumption of special electrolytes called Quintons. Now Robert works in reverse osmosis and bottled water production to make sure that people everywhere have safe drinking water.
Robert’s Spike Protein Storm and Morning Drinks
Robert is 77 years old, and started experiencing serious health issues caused by a "spike protein storm" (when your immune system is triggered to release inflammatory proteins)
This can be considered an autoimmune response
He chose to treat this condition with:
Isotonic water
Herbal drinks
Red light and infrared exposure
Hyperbaric chamber
Colostrum (protein found in breast milk)
Robert starts off each day with a Quinton isotonic drink
Isotonic seawater that favors hydration and remineralization
Contains electrolytes
He believes it regulates his terrain (body environment)
Might play a role in body PH levels (acid vs base)
He emphasizes that how you take care of your body's "environment" is crucial to living a healthy life
Hydrogen use and its Effects
Robert has been using hydrogen tablets to help with his health for a long time
Hydrogen is believed to:
Improve muscle performance
Reduce lactic acid formation (byproduct of intense exercise)
Decrease delayed onset muscle soreness after exercise
Hydrogen hydrotherapy
Soaking in water that is infused with hydrogen from big soluble tablets
Some studies show that this type of therapy may accelerate healing in injuries such as ankle sprains
Some face masks are infused with hydrogen enriched solutions to help hydrate skin
Misinformation and Fear around Hydrogen
Hydrogen tablets are pills made of magnesium and water that produce hydrogen gas when dissolved in liquid
The reaction between elemental magnesium and the water produces a weak solution called Magnesium Hydroxide plus hydrogen gas bubbles which help restore our biological terrain
Some products may contain toxins or fillers that are added to the tablets
Look for brands that are tested and approved by the FDA
To experience full benefits from these tablets dissolve them into 12-14 ounces of liquid within 5 minutes of use
The pharmaceutical industry tried to limit the use of Quinton by making a law that said it had to be heat sterilized if injected
The History of Terrain Theory
This is the idea that our bodies are like the ocean
Life began in the ocean and species started to leave it 450 million years ago
We must try to create conditions that mimic the ocean in our bodies because its special composition of elements is what makes life possible
Quinton is a specialized medicine that was used in the early 1900's to treat diseases such as cholera, tuberculosis and syphilis
It can also be used for rehydration protocols instead of saline solution
Quinton comes from plankton blooms near ocean surfaces which have elements from the periodic table mixed into them
Rene Quinton discovered the amazing medical use of Quinton in 1904 by transfusing (injecting) dogs with it
Today Quinton marine plasma isotonic is being tested and researched by military forces around the world because it doesn't need to be stored or refrigerated like other medicines do
What is Percutaneous Hydrotomy?
A man named Pierre Lippert used this kind of treatment at the Gweoz Institute in France to treat pain syndromes
This treatment involves injections of steril salt water under the skin to help people with conditions like back pain and fibromyalgia
Types and Uses of Quinton
Quinton is a special kind of medicine that comes in two forms
Isotonic- very salty with more minerals
Better for treating illness
Hypertonic- less-salty with fewer minerals
Using Quinton for general wellbeing:
Try 2 capsules per day for about 3 months
Ampuls (glass containers) offer more intense treatments
Contain lots of special micronutrients like antifungals, antibacterial agents, minerals from the sea
Robert's Anti-aging and Longevity Protocols
Robert travels to conferences around the world and talks to people about anti aging and longevity protocols
He believes the main staples include:
Good quality water
Natural vitamin C
Energy medicine therapies such as CVAC (Cyclic Variation Altitude Conditioning)
Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatments (HBot)
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field frequencies (PEMF)
Some drinking water has been known to contain over 85,000 chemicals that can hurt you
It’s important to know there are only 100 contaminants monitored by US public systems
200 other chemicals are not monitored
Congress isn’t releasing this information because no one could afford such expensive technologies needed to remove those chemicals from our drinking waters
There are three organizations we should look at to check purification efficiency
NSF laboratory in Ann Arbor Michigan
IAPMO in Ontario California
Water Quality Association in Lisle Illinois
These companies have expensive tests which show what products work best at getting rid of contaminants like pesticides and metals from our drinking water
If your device isn't tested by one of these labs then don't get it because they may not do what they say
What is the Best form of Drinking Water?
Distillation plus activated carbon
Reverse osmosis with activated carbon